Rebel Speeder

$ 12.00 


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"Remain seated please... permanecer sentados, por favor."

Who's ready for the trip to Endor? Naboo, Tatooine? Crait? or even the Death Star? Nah, we're going to Los Angeles and visit the Venice Art Wall, Los Angeles Arts District, Slauson, Murphy Ranch, and the Container Yard to appreciate some of the best graffiti art around our city! That's right the BB-CRE.8 boys wanted to spruce up the Starspeeder 1000 and give it a little edge by tagging up the side with the word "REBEL!" We added a little flair and chose the colors dark red and indigo because WHY NOT?! So sit back, fasten that seatbelt because we are going into hyperdrive as BB-CRE.8 proudly presents Rebel Speeder!


- Silver poilished hard enamel

- Double post rubber backing

- 1.7" in width

- Embossed BB-CRE.8 backstamp logo


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© BB-CRE.8 2020